Zakat in Islam - Quran Hadith

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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Zakat in Islam

Zakat is an obligatory alms issued towards the end of the Muslim month of Ramadan, as a complement to fasting. Zakat is one of the three pillars of the Five Pillars of Islam.

Zakat literally meaning "to grow", "developing", "purified", or "clean". While in terms of Shariah, Zakat refer to the activity of giving some of the wealth in the number and specific calculations for certain persons as specified.

Every Muslim is obliged to give alms of that which Allah hath given God. These obligations are written in the Qur'an. At first, the Qur'an is only ordered to give alms (giving free nature, not mandatory). However, in later days, Muslims are ordered to pay the zakat. Zakat becomes obligatory since the year 662 AD Prophet Muhammad instituted this command to set the zakat tax rise for the rich to relieve the burden of their poor lives. From now on, zakat is applied in Islamic countries. This shows that at a later date giving zakat no settings, particularly regarding the amount of zakat.

At the time of the caliph, zakat collected by civil servants and distributed to certain groups of society. The group is poor, widows, slaves who want to buy their freedom, those who incurred debts and unable to pay. Shariah set with more details about the charity and how zakat should be paid. The fall of the caliphate and Islamic countries led by zakat can not be held under the law anymore.

Zakat Law

Zakah is one of the [pillars of Islam], and became one of the principal elements for the establishment of [Islamic law]. Therefore the law of zakat is obligatory (fardhu) for every Muslim who has fulfilled certain requirements. Zakat is included in the category of worship, such as: prayer, pilgrimage, and fasting that have been regulated in detail and patent based on the Quran and Sunnah, as well as a social charity and humanity that can develop in accordance with the development of mankind.

Various Types of Zakah

Zakat is divided into two types namely:

* Zakat Fitrah
Zakat is compulsory issued Idul Fitri Muslim during Ramadan. Zakat is large, equivalent to 2.5 kilograms of staple food in the area concerned.
* Zakat Maal (Wealth)
Include the results of commerce, agriculture, mining, marine products, livestock, finding treasures, gold and silver. Each type has its own calculations.

Who is entitled to receive

* Poor - Those who have hardly anything that can not meet the basic needs of life. * Poor - Those who own property but not enough to meet basic needs for survival. * Amil - Those who collect and distribute zakat. * Muallaf - Those who newly embraced Islam and need help to adjust to new circumstances * Slave who wants to liberate itself * Gharimin - Those who are indebted to the needs of halal and not able to fulfill it * Fisabilillah - Those who fight in Allah's way (eg, propaganda, war, etc.) * Ibnus Sabil - They are running out of money on travel.
What is not entitled to receive zakat

* The rich. Messenger of Allah said, "It is not lawful to take alms (Zakat) for people who are rich and people who have the power of energy." (Bukhari). * Slave, because they still earn money or dependents of the master. * Descendants of the Prophet. Messenger of Allah said, "Surely not lawful for us (Ahlul Bait) take alms (zakat)." (Muslim). * People in the tithe dependents, such as children and wives. * The infidels.
Some benefits of Zakah avail Diniyah (terms of religion)

1. With a tithe means have been running one of the Five Pillars of Islam which deliver a servant to the happiness and salvation of the world and the hereafter. 2. Is a means for slaves to taqarrub (closer) to his Lord, will add to the faith because of its presence which includes several kinds of obedience. 3. Zakat payers will get a big reward is doubled, as the word of God, which means: "God destroy usury and fertile alms" (QS Al Baqarah: 276). In a hadith muttafaq "alaih Prophet Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam' was also explained that the alms of good fortune will be developed by Allah grown exponentially. 4. Zakat is a means for sin, as it once spoke by the Prophet Muhammad.

avail Khuluqiyah (View of Virtue)
1. Embedding nature of glory, a sense of tolerance and toleration to the person paying zakat. 2. Paying zakat is usually identical with the nature of Rahmah (mercy) and gentle to his brother, who did not have. 3. It is the reality that something useful to contribute either property or body for Muslims to vacate the chest and extend his life. For sure he will become a loved and respected according to the level of sacrifice. 4. Inside there is zakat purification of morals.

avail Ijtimaiyyah (Social Aspects of Society)

1. Zakat is a means to assist in fulfilling the lives of the poor who constituted the majority of most countries in the world. 2. Provide support for the Muslim forces and raise their existence. It can be seen in the group receiving alms, one of which is sabilillah Fi mujahideen. 3. Zakat can reduce social jealousy, revenge and resentment that exist in poor chest. Because the bottom of society generally if they see high economic class they squander the treasure for something that does not can be ignited their hatred and hostility. If the property is so abundant that used to alleviate poverty will certainly interwoven harmony and love between the rich and the poor. 4. Zakat will spur economic growth and the obvious culprit would be abundant blessing. 5. Paying Zakat means to expand the circulation of property or money, because when wealth is spent then the spins will be expanded and more parties who take advantage.

Wisdom of Zakah

Moral of the zakat, among others:

1. Reducing the social gap between those who are with those who are poor. 2. Pilar jama'i charity among those who were with the mujahidin and preachers who are struggling and berda'wah in order to raise the sentence of God Almighty. 3. Clean and scrape the bad morals 4. Purifier property and custody of the wicked greed. 5. Expressions of gratitude for the blessings that Allah SWT give 6. For potential development of ummah 7. Moral support to people who are new to Islam 8. Increase the state revenue for projects useful to the ummah.

Zakat in the Qur'an

* Sura (2:43) ("And be steadfast in prayer, give regular Charity, and ruku'lah with those who are bowing.") * Sura (9:35) (On the day heated up the gold and silver were in Hell, then burned her forehead, stomach and back them (and said) to them: "This is the treasure bendamu that you save it for yourselves, so taste now ( consequences of) what you save it. ") * QS (6: 141) (He who makes the gardens and what not berjunjung berjunjung, palm trees, plants a variety of grapes, olives and pomegranates similar (shape and color) and not the same (it) . Eat of the fruit (a variety of it) when she was fruitful, and pay the poor their rights on the day of harvest (with the given to the poor) and do not exaggerate. Allah loveth not excessive).

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