The story of Abu Nawas will be slaughtered - Quran Hadith

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Friday, February 7, 2020

The story of Abu Nawas will be slaughtered

The day was Abu Nawas deliberately spend time around the village, the outskirts of Baghdad. He just got home just before sunset. When passing the village of Bedouins (desert people) he met some people who are cooking porridge. The atmosphere is lively, even boisterous. Unwittingly, he was arrested by the men and taken to their home to be slaughtered.
"Why was I arrested?" Said Abu Nawas.
"Hi, young people, said one of them pointing to the pot where the water is boiling," Every person who passed here must we capture, we are slaughtered like sheep, and put into a pot with the flour mixture. This is our work and that our daily food. "

Despite fears of Abu Nawas still think clearly, he said, "Look, my body thin, so my flesh is not much, if you want tomorrow I bring my friend whose body fat, can you eat for five days. I promise, then please let me go. "
"Well, bring him here," said the Bedouin.
"Tomorrow it's definitely time maghrib person I brought here," said Abu Nawas again. After greeting and kissing as a sign of promise, Abu Nawas was off.
Along the road to his home, Abu Nawas was thinking hard, "the Sultan's work to just sit around all day so it does not know the circumstances of the people the truth. Many evil people doing evil, slaughtering people like goats, not reached the ears of the Sultan. Strange, then. I'll take the Sultan to a Bedouin village, and handed to the worker's porridge. "
Then Abu Nawas entrance to the palace and the Sultan. After paying homage by bowing, he said, O my lord, Shah Alam, if my lord would like to see a very crowded place, so-so slave drive there. There was a show that many people. "
"When the show begins?" Asked the emperor.
"Release time of Asr, my lord," answered Abu Nawas.
"All right."

Abu Nawas left, tomorrow afternoon ready to accompany the Sultan Abu Nawas to the Bedouin village. At home sellers porridge, king heard a strange noise for him crowded.
"The sound is it, really crowded," asked the king, pointing to a house.
"My lord, the servant did not know, then let servants look to the house, the master should wait here first." Said Abu Nawas.
Arriving at the house of Abu Nawas report to the landlord that he had fulfilled his promise to bring someone who was plump. "He is now on the outside and will I submit to you." He then came out with the landlord to the Sultan.
"The sound of boisterous what is it?" Asked the Sultan.
"The house where people sell porridge, maybe it's very tasty, so is not playing his best-selling and the buyers are very much. They can not wait so boisterous sound, "said Abu Nawas.
Meanwhile, the landlord was soon captured without much fuss dang Sultan took him to the house. Abu Nawas also soon lift a thousand feet. In his heart he thought, "If the Emperor was smart, surely he could free himself. But if a fool, he died slaughtered bad guys. "
As for the king Sultan, he was not expecting to cut his throat. With a tone of fear Sultan said, "If you make porridge, not much flesh, because flesh and a lot of fat, I'd better make a cap. The day I can make two caps that cost must be much greater than the price buburmu it? "Seringgit" replied the man.

"Seringgit?" Asked the Sultan. "Only seringgit? So if I slay you, you can only seringgit money? And if I make a cap, you will get money two ringgit, more than enough to feed the child-wife. "
On hearing these words the Sultan like that, the release of the Sultan's hand, and not to be slaughtered.
Meanwhile, the City of Baghdad into an uproar because the Sultan had a few days does not appear in the Hall. Sultan is lost, all citizens are driven to seek the Sultan to all over the country. After nearly a month, someone got word that the Sultan Harun al-Rashid in the Bedouin village porridge seller. Every day they work to make cap and the dealer gets a lot of profit.
Reveal the mystery disappearance of the Sultan it is thanks to a fancy cap is decorated with flowers, in the flower arrange the letters in such a way that it becomes a short letter containing the message: "O my bishop, buy this cap any price, that night came to a Bedouin village porridge seller, I imprisoned there, bring a bodyguard to taste. "Peci was then given to the worker sold to pulp and order minister admiral, because of this cap manteri clothes." The price of ten ringgit, undoubtedly bought by the minister, "the message.
Handyman slurry was very pleased him, then immediately he went home minister. Pak minister also instantly captivated his heart at the sight cap offered it, is well made, especially decorated with flowers on it. But he was shocked when I heard the price of ten ringgit, can not be less. And when his eyes behold the flower arrangement of letters. After he read, understood he meant it and immediately pay cap.

At night the minister with the guards and all the people went to the Bedouin village and immediately release the Sultan and took him to the Palace. while residents of the Bedouin village, on the orders of the Sultan, was killed because his actions are all too bad.
The next day the Sultan ordered the arrest of Abu Nawas and will punish him for shaming Majesty the Sultan. When the Abu Nawas was praying duhur. After greetings he also captured a gang by the ministers who were sent there and take it away before the sultan.

When he saw Abu Nawas, changed the face of fierce Sultan, her eyes burning like coals of fire, he was furious. With mouth mnyeringai he said, "Hey, Abu Nawas, you really have to embarrass me, what you did was inappropriate, and you should be killed.
So, Abu Nawas was saluting. "O my lord, Shah Alam, before my lord sentenced, let servants delivered some things."
"All right" said the Sultan, "But if you say wrong, I would kill you this very day."

"Yes my lord the Shah Alam, the reason for your majesty servant handed to the seller's porridge is to show the reality in the community of this country to your majesty. Because the servant does not believe your majesty will believe the report servants. Though all the events that apply in this country is the responsibility of the king to God someday. Just king should know all the deeds people, for that every king should walk around the things they witnessed it. Thus my lord, if the word servant is wrong, punish slaves, but when the sentence was carried out also not sincere servant, so that his sin is the responsibility of my lord in hell. "
After hearing the speech of Abu Nawas, the anger's gone king. In his heart the words of Abu Nawas justify it.
"Well, I forgive you for everything you do, and do not do a thing like that again to me."
So, Abu Nawas was deliver to respect and to ask ourselves back home.
Story References Al-story 10 / 10-23 May 2004

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